Today marks the completion of Mal’ganis - League 3 Mal’ganis was the biggest freepick realm in Ascension history. Now that it has completed this article will detail what happens next for your characters and our two core realms. 

Characters Merging into Alar and Area 52

Here is some information regarding the character merge:

  • What do you keep?
    • You keep your characters
    • You keep your currencies
    • You keep your Mystic Enchant Collection
    • Your Vanity collection syncs to both realms!
    • Guild Banks, Personal Banks, Bank Banks
    • Everything except your current build which changes based on the realm you decide to play.
  • Where do my characters go?
    • Your characters will be merged into both core realms!
      • Alar (Draft realm)
      • Area 52 (Freepick Realm)
    • We decided to clone characters after realizing
      • Single transfers would be very destructive to guild communities.
      • Single character transfers have been notoriously high upkeep, support intensive, and buggy.
      • Many of you did not know which realm you wanted to play on.
      • We wanted to keep the merge as streamlined as possible.
      • Mal’ganis had less than 10% of the total gold of Alar or Area 52 and would have virtually no negative impact to the economies
  • When does the merge happen?
    • The merge will happen today the 18th through the 19th. Realms will be periodically offline and restarting during this process.
  • If you exceed 9 characters they are deactivated and can be reactivated on site
  • Host realm characters gets name priority
  • Abilities will be reset as both alar and area 52 use different rulesets for acquiring and choosing your abilities
  • You do not need to empty out your mailboxes, personal banks, or auctions, they will be ported to the new realm!

Al’ar Updates

  • TBC Core damaging spells available at 60 and are acquirable now as skillcards and draftable abilities.
  • The new Legendary REs from League 3 will be available immediately after the merge.
  • 32 New Abilities from Mal’ganis will become available with the release of TBC
  • Tamable Undead and Demons
  • Skillcard Collection
  • New Skillcard UI


Season 7 Chapter 2: The Burning Crusade Reborn

  • Al’ar will go into TBC in the next 1-2 weeks
  • A whole Seasonal video worth of new features is coming to Al’ar alongside TBC. The release date will be announced in the video!
  • See #Teasers in discord and keep your eyes peeled for a video.


  • Tamable Undead and Demons with the new families only available in TBC.
  • 20+ New Legendary Enchants from Mal’ganis


After a lot of consideration looking at the results of Mal’ganis and feedback from Area 52 players, Rarities will not immediately be coming to Area 52 with the merge. 

The results were clear that it improved the health of the game dramatically, but there are a few key problems identified with the system that can be resolved before bringing a game changing system to the core game. Unfortunately, with the way the variable AE Area system currently limits freedom of choice, the new abilities cannot be added to Area 52 without significantly hurting build diversity. 

A more developed and polished version of this system will eventually come to core realms based on future experimentation and feedback. For now, the focus will be on the feature set coming to both realms that the vast majority of the community is interested in seeing.

Other Questions:

  • Will there be a fresh TBC?

Al’ar is going into TBC which is basically the equivalent of a fresh start as everyone will have new abilities and enchants from league 3 and a whole new set of features to discover when Al’ar receives its TBC updates. Checkout #teasers in discord for some eggs!

Area 52 is made up of mostly new players right now who have just started in the last 1-2 months, so there are plenty of people to progress through the content with.

  • What happens to Felforged?

Felforged events will eventually continue on Al’ar specifically. You will be able to login to your felforged characters to unlock your skillcards in your new collection!

  • Will Al’ar get the updated rarities?

A full pass will be done on rarities and they will be changed on a case by case basis as Al’ar gets closer to entering TBC

  • Will there be a Hand of Fate Reset?

There will never be a Hand of Fate reset. Hand of Fate resets put people who were not playing at the time of the reset at a permanent disadvantage. Any future alts, prestiges, new specs would be left at an insurmountable disadvantage. If you want to reset your Hand of Fate quest chain you can prestige!



These are your power curves:

  • Padapoo
  • Level 1 Level 60
    75 Strength 250 Strength
    Your character sucks Your character eats booty like groceries